5 Easy Vegetarian Barbecue Recipes
and Top Cooking Tips


Delight your dinner guests with these easy but exceptional veggie BBQ ideas, and discover the rewards of vegetarian barbecuing! 

10 Commandments of Vegetarian Barbecuing

Grilling Basket

Built for most barbecues

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Follow these 10 golden rules to ensure your next veggie BBQ is a satisfying success: 

  1. Grill veggies ‘indirectly’ at the edge of the BBQ since veggies cook faster than meat.  
  2. Barbecue with the lid down. This maintains the heat and reduces cooking time, particularly on colder evenings.
  3. Wash non-marinated vegetables before grilling, dry them well and then brush with oil to prevent them burning or sticking to the grill. 
  4. Use heat-resistant oils only, such as sunflower or rapeseed oil.  
  5. Add salt to your vegetables only after they are grilled, otherwise they dry out quickly. 
  6. Cut vegetables in equal-sized pieces so they all cook at the same time. 
  7. If you are planning on using wooden skewers for any of your veggie creations, soak them in water for an hour before using on the grill, so they do not char. 
  8. By using a tray or basket you can ensure your vegetables are evenly cooked
  9. Spice it up. Easily add a special aroma to a charcoal grill by mixing rosemary, thyme or lavender into the embers. 
  10. Stay seasonal. Vegetables that are in season give maximum flavour. See our recommendations below. 

Vegetarian Seasonal Tips

Just as the season changes, so should your menu. At least it should if you want to maximise flavour.

Vegetarian Barbecue with Corn

Summer Vegetables

Lettuce, pea pods, beans, mushrooms or corn on the cob. There are almost as many ingredients as there are recipes you can use to create healthy dishes. Combining vegetables with berries, apricots, pineapples or plums, elevates your dish by fusing a variety of flavours. 

Vegetarian Barbecue wirh Root Vegetables

Winter Vegetables

When it comes to winter grilling there are a few important things to remember. The first is to stay seasonal with your veg. Potatoes, onions, fennel, kohlrabi, sprouts and beetroot, can all be prepared as skewers, soups or casseroles on the grill and seasoned perfectly with winter spices like allspice and cinnamon.  

Top tip: It Doesn’t always Have to be Tofu!

Tofu is the standard meat substitute because, like meat, it’s rich in protein. But different types of cheese are also high protein, among them, feta, camembert, blue cheese and halloumi, which are all great for veggie grilling. 

5 Mouth-watering Veggie Barbecue Ideas

Not only are these vegetarian BBQ recipes excellent meat substitutes, they’re packed with flavour and sure to impress. Put them to the test and let your dinner guests be the judge.  

1. Curried Red Lentil Burger with Mango Chutney 

This mouthwatering curried red lentil burger is hearty and will satisfy even the most keen meat-eater. Served in pitta bread and topped with refreshing mango chutney for a little twist. Checkout our other meatless burger recipes, including tasty options for vegan dinner guests. 

2. Lemon-Ginger Tofu Steaks with Carrot and Cashew Salad 

Wow your guests with this Asian-inspired lemon-ginger tofu creation. The refreshing carrot and cashew salad is the perfect addition to the tofu steaks.  

3. Pulled Jackfruit with Spicy Chili Marinade 

Many hail jackfruit as the vegetarian answer to pulled pork. This grilled jackfruit recipe starts with a spicy marinade and finishes on the grill. Bonus points – it’s also suitable for vegans. 

4. Garlic-roasted Potatoes on Rosemary Skewers 

This roast potato recipe has a delicious twist. The rosemary that seasons the potatoes also doubles as a skewer. Easy to assemble and the results are perfectly roasted, fragrant potatoes with a hint of garlic. Check out our other creative barbecue potato recipes

5. Goats Cheese and Spinach Filo Tarts 

These delicate goats cheese and spinach filo tarts may seem more French cafe rather than veggie BBQ, but they work perfectly on the grill. Cook on the edge of the barbecue– but keep an eye on the pastry so it doesn’t burn 

Get creative with these exciting veggie BBQ recipes and wow guests with your effortless but impressive vegetarian cooking skills.