Indirect Heat on a Weber Q
What is Indirect Heat?

When you think of traditional barbecuing, you may think of food searing over the fire, this is called direct heat. Indirect heat is where the fire is either side or to one side of the food, rather than directly under the food. Essentially the food cooks with convection heat like an oven.
With just a Weber Convection Tray and Weber Trivet you can convert your Weber Q from direct cooking to indirect cooking (like an oven) in a matter of seconds.
This is perfect for any food that will take longer than 20 minutes to cook, for example; larger cuts of meat, like whole chickens, whole joints of meat, pizzas or even if you want to do some baking!
Set Up

It is recommended that you remove the hotplate (if you have one), and place both cooking grills in the barbecue. To set your Weber Q for indirect cooking, place a convection tray in the centre of the cooking grill and place a trivet on top.
Indirect Medium Heat

Indirect medium heat (190°C to 230°C) is the traditional roasting setting. This is the best method for roasting all of your favourite meats like whole chicken, legs of lamb, roast beef, root vegetables etc.
Once your convection tray and trivet are in place. Preheat your Q with the burner(s) on high for 10 to 15 minutes.
Once the barbecue has preheated, adjust the settings as follows for indirect medium heat (roasting):
Baby Q - Adjust to one notch greater than medium
Weber Q - Adjust the burner to medium
Family Q - First 20 to 25 minutes: Adjust the small burner to low, leaving the large burner on high
After the first 20 to 25 minutes: Turn the small burner off, leaving the large burner on high
Indirect Medium-Low Heat

Indirect medium-low (170°C to 190°C) is the baking setting. It is fantastic for baking cakes, biscuits, pastries, puddings or brownies.
Once your convection tray and trivet are in place. Preheat your Q with the burner(s) on high for 10 minutes.
Once the barbecue has preheated, adjust the settings as follows for indirect medium-low heat (baking):
Baby Q - Adjust to Medium
Weber Q - Adjust the burner to two notches less than medium
Family Q - Turn the small burner off, leaving the large burner on high
Indirect Very-Low Heat (FAMILY Q ONLY)
Indirect very-low heat (100°C to 130°C) is the low and slow setting. It is fantastic for slow cooking tough meats like ribs, brisket, shoulders, cheeks or other cuts that require a low temperature and long cooking time (usually 3 hours plus).
This low temperature is only achievable on the Family Q. Baby Q’s and Weber Q’s are compact powerhouses, their compact design and burner functionality are designed for cooking at higher temperatures.
Once your convection tray and trivet are in place. Light both burner(s) on your Family Q, immediately turn the large burner off, and turn the small burner to low, preheat your Family Q for 10 minutes.
Once the barbecue has preheated, leave the only the small burner on low (low and slow):
Family Q - Leave the small burner on low, leave the large burner off.
Note: When cooking at low temperatures, it is important to regularly monitor the cooking temperature inside the barbecue using a lid thermometer or ambient thermometer. If required, make small adjustments to the small burner to achieve the desired temperature of approximately 130°C.