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Cinnamon Vanilla French Toast with Caramelised Bananas

Serves: 2
4 thick slices brioche
4 large free range eggs
150ml double cream
150ml whole milk
2 tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
Good knob of butter
Caramelised Bananas
2 bananas, peeled and sliced in half lengthways
Icing sugar to coat
Knob of butter
Fresh berry fruits
Maple syrup (optional)
레시피 준비

For a delicious breakfast or a scrumptious dessert, try our French Toast recipe!

  • Set up the barbecue for grilling (direct heat, approx 200ºC), with the briquettes in the middle of the barbecue beneath the hole for the GBS Griddle. Put the Griddle into the barbecue and allow to preheat for 10 minutes.
  • In a bowl whisk together the eggs, cream, milk, icing sugar, cinnamon and vanilla bean paste. Pour into a shallow container such as a pie dish and, dip the slices of brioche in the egg mixture on both sides.
  • Melt the butter in the griddle and fry the slices until golden brown on both sides.
  • Liberally coat the banana slices with icing sugar and add to the pan cut side down, with a little more butter. Griddle for 1-2 minutes and then turn over, the bananas should have taken on some great colour.
  • Serve the French Toast on warmed plates with a couple of pieces of caramelised banana and garnish.
  • For extra indulgence, drizzle with a really good quality maple syrup!