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Roast Pork with Crackling

Serves: 6
1.5kg bonded shoulder of pork
300g sausage meat
½ lemon, zest of, grated
1 Bramley apple, grated
30g cranberries, chopped
50g breadcrumbs
20g sage, chopped
olive oil
sea salt, coarse
레시피 준비

As autumn arrives and the days get shorter the cold and wet weather is the perfect environment for barbecuing joints of meat. Warm yourselves up with this delicious roast pork recipe.

  • Remove the string from the shoulder of pork, if it has one, and butterfly the shoulder. Score the skin with a small paring knife ensuring you don’t cut into the flesh.
  • Mix together all the remaining ingredients and season well. Create a sausage shape with your stuffing and place in the middle of the shoulder with the skin side facing downwards, roll the joint and tie using butcher’s string.
  • Boil half a kettle of water and carefully, over a sink, pour the water over the joint to soften the skin. Apply olive oil and rub a generous amount of coarse sea salt into the skin.
  • Preheat your grill to a medium-high indirect heat, and cook the pork with a drip pan underneath for approximately 2-2 ½ hours or until the pork has reached 75°C in the centre.
  • Allow to rest, without using foil and serve.