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Whole Roasted Chicken with Herbs

Serves: 4
1 whole chicken
1 bulb of garlic
1 bunch of parsley
Salt and pepper
레시피 준비

Great recipe to share with your family. A whole roasted chicken with a crispy skin.

In the kitchen:
  • Peel the garlic and coarsely chop it along with the parsley.
  • Stuff the chicken with the garlic and parsley and place on the rotisserie.
  • Season with plenty of salt and pepper.
At the barbecue:
  • Prepare the grill for indirect medium heat.
  • Place the rotisserie on the grill and let the chicken rotate for 35-40 minutes until the core temperature is approx. 73°C.

Tip: The core temperature often rises 2-5 degrees after removing the chicken from the grill. Chicken should be served with a core temperature of 75°C.